Triad of Being Trilogy by Traci Harding
Loved. Loved. Loved. ... and one more for good measure. LOVED this novel.
I'm sure you saw my previous post where I carried on about how much of a Traci Harding fan I am, so I will try to keep the adoring admiration from this post ( try being the operative word) and give you an honest review.
Please be aware, **SPOILERS ALERT **
So do not read this review if you want to keep the
mystery going.
In "Being of the Field", Taren and the team at AIME (Astro Marine Institute Explorer) discover an anomaly. A large mass of gaseous substance is seen floating on the undiscovered planet Oceane. They decide to send a pod to the surface of the planet, and abstract a gas sample to run some tests. What they don't realise at the time, is the anomaly is not just a gaseous mass but an ancient being called an "Arupa Deva", a being whose body is entirely composed of electricity. This being is actually connected to the making of the universe, it has the power to speed up the evolutionary process of a planet, and that is why it is currently residing on the planet Oceane.

The “Universe Parallel” picks up right where “Being of the Field” left off. Taren and Lucian are unconscious on AIME which is on course towards another universe. They are found by the "Chosen", a race of Immortals who inhabit the planet Kila. They discover that as a consequence of the stolen sample, the entire planet of Maaladan has been pulled through to a "parallel universe". Along with the planet, are of course the inhabitants, who are scared of anyone with psychic powers. They command the MSS "Maladaan Secret Service", that is encompassed of assassins, spies, etc. who either lock psychic's up or command them with mind control.
So what happens when the MSS come into contact with the immortal psychics of Kila? Of course a War is started. Luckily the Chosen are able to dismantle it quickly by showing select members of the MSS the peaceful planet of Kila, and prove there are other ways to live.
So what happens when the MSS come into contact with the immortal psychics of Kila? Of course a War is started. Luckily the Chosen are able to dismantle it quickly by showing select members of the MSS the peaceful planet of Kila, and prove there are other ways to live.
So the tale goes, with Taren and Lucian trying to find a way to restore Maladaan to its own universe. Taren discovers she has to go to back in time to when she first started studying, to save the lives of those who are precious to her and to discover what memories the MSS had stolen from her.
In amongst all this, Lucian has the ability to connect with the Grigori, a race of highly ascended beings that are a part of Taren and Lucian's soul source - here you find the connection to Traci's previous novels (not giving too many hints :P)
I was ecstatic when I realised the Characters from "Being" were reincarnations of the Chosen clan from the earlier "The Ancient Future" books. Oh I miss them so! Although I did have a hard time connecting Taren to Tory in UP, she seemed a lot more like Tory in "Being", but not so much in UP. The rest were just like i remembered them, only much more experienced and it was lovely to see they had established the Utopia they dreamed of in the earlier books.
An awesome mix of time travel, quantum physics, kick ass action and lovable characters. Traci's books catapult me into grand adventures like no other author and I am a fan for life :)

An awesome mix of time travel, quantum physics, kick ass action and lovable characters. Traci's books catapult me into grand adventures like no other author and I am a fan for life :)
RRP: $22.99
Publisher: Harper Collins Voyager
The Universe Parallel ( Book #2 in Triad Of Being Trilogy)
RRP: $32.99
Publisher: Harper Collins Voyager

Publisher: Harper Collins Voyager
The Universe Parallel ( Book #2 in Triad Of Being Trilogy)
RRP: $32.99
Publisher: Harper Collins Voyager

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